Rev it Up


SKU: kCD_BBenson_RevItUp Categories: , ,

In recent years I have become a little preoccupied with the idea of reversibility in knitted fabric. I design a lot of shawls and scarves and these are both items that can reveal their “wrong sides” during regular wear. I’m not saying that’s the end of the world or anything, but I also enjoy figuring out ways to make it so both sides are nice to look at.

For this shawl I wanted to push past both sides looking nice and into both sides looking pretty much identical. Using a simple combination of knit, purl, and slipped stitches I was able to create just such a fabric and I hope you like it as much as I do.

This particular texture benefits highly from a yarn that has excellent stitch definition and the new Sport weight yarn Laurel Falls from Miss Babs fits the bill perfectly. It is round, bouncy, and the slightly heavier weight allows the columns to really pop.

If you would like to see this pattern in motion and hear more about its inspiration and elements check out the Pattern Tour video on my YouTube channel Watch Barbara Knit! (will go live today at 12:30 PM EST).

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Yarn Weight

