Phaeodaria noun
– marine ameoboid protists with complex mineral skeletons
You know how sometimes I come along and say ‘oh it’s easier than it looks, you’ll have it memorized in no time’? Well that’s totally not the case for these socks. That leg is one big chart with a lovely, intricate, twirly, swirly extravaganza of tiny twisted cables (inspired by the beautiful illustrations of this tiny little organism found in Ernst Haeckel’s 1904 book, Kunstformen der Natur). I won’t lie to you, you will totally need to pay a bit of attention for that part (it’s worth it though).
But I’m not totally heartless. By the time you get to the foot, I know you probably want a bit of a break. The pattern on the foot is every bit as lovely, but much more relaxing. This part you really will have memorized in no time.
The combination makes for a really lovely sock. Besides, don’t you have enough plain vanilla socks already? You’re up for the challenge!
These are perfect for you if:
- You love twisted stitches and cables
- You’re looking for something a bit more engaging than your basic vanilla sock
They’re not for you if:
- You don’t like charts
- You don’t like top down socks
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