Memory Tree Collection


SKU: kCD_BooKnits_MemoryTree Categories: , , Tags: , , , , , ,

Memory Tree Collection is a collection of four patterns, three individual and an exclusive pattern – not available to purchase alone.

The power of music is amazingly strong. It has the ability to transport us to a different time and place and lets us recollect moments and people might have not thought about for huge amounts of time.

Our family has a name for where those special moments are kept – they hang on a ‘Memory Tree’ – a special place in our minds and hearts that can be revisited when needed or are triggered by a feeling, a smell and very often by music.

This is a collection that is inspired by some of the music that hangs on my Memory Tree. Everyone should have a Memory Tree – find something special now and start your own. I hope you enjoy the patterns and memories as much as I have!

The Memory Collection will be released over time.  Currently released patterns:

  • Pleasant Valley
  • Happy Together
  • Painted Memory
  • Time and Again (Exclusive to ebook!)


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