

SKU: kCD_HHammersen_Clasped Categories: , ,

I have reached a certain age. An age where I both remember being fascinated by the magical change purse my grandmother carried in her handbag…and finally understand why she had at least three different little pouches on hand at all times. Because if you live long enough, you’ll eventually find you need a certain amount of stuff with you to get through the day, and it’s easier if it’s organized.

So when I stumbled across the spiffy little clasps that made those long-remembered pouches so magical, I knew I needed to make a knitted version. Make that several knitted versions. Because really, if you’re in the ‘lots of little containers for all your stuff’ stage of life, it’s going to be easier if you can tell them apart at a glance. I went with a plain one (that I made stripey with some nifty helix stripes because I couldn’t just have it be plain), a zig zag one, and one that has that deeply satisfying offset shape that is technically a tetrahedron, but which I always think of as the sour cream packet shape.

I suspect you’ll end up making all three. Actually, I suspect you’ll end up making all three many times. Because every time a non-knitter sees one of these, they are absolutely gobsmacked at the cleverness. But the pouches are actually shockingly simple to knit, and they make great use of yarn scraps. So you can make a whole pile of them with yarn from your scraps bin, give them away with abandon, and look like an absolute magician. Which is something I’m pretty sure both your grandmother and mine would heartily approve of!

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