Did I wake up one day, smack dab in the middle of a wide variety of crises, both deeply personal and more general in nature, and find myself absolutely possessed with the inescapable urge to knit a pile of snowballs? Why yes, yes I did.
Did I take myself directly to the store, bright and early that very morning, to purchase a variety of spheres and set to work satiating this urge? Also yes. With absolutely record speed.
Was I surprised when it turned out that quite a few of you also felt the need make a selection of your own projectiles to mitigate whatever personal horrors are plaguing you at the moment? I mean honestly, at this point, no.
For you see, at this point I trust that a fair number of you are either feeling the same rage I am or dealing with the same heartbreaks or just needing the same distractions. I knew many of you would love them, and some of you would find comfort and beauty in them, and maybe just maybe a few of you would throw them just as hard as you could against the nearest wall when you needed to vent a little steam. Or you could just hang them on your christmas tree. That’s totally ok too!
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