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SKU: kCD_HHammersen_Interlock Categories: , ,

Interlock verb to connect so that the motion of a part is constrained by another

I have a confession to make. I am occasionally overwhelmed by the urge to take a marker to my knitting (especially when I’m knitting cables). I don’t actually think you should do this (it’s messy, and doesn’t work as well as you’d think it would, ask me how I know). But you can get the same vibe (but with less swearing) if you’re willing to work a little bit of knitterly magic.

It’s not even very complicated magic. Just hold a contrast strand along with your main yarn while you work some of your stitches. That’s really all there is to it. It will feel weird for about the first three rows, then it will click, and you’ll feel like a magician.

I included a photo tutorial to walk you through the whole thing in excruciating detail. But really, you’ll have the hang of it in no time. If you can knit cables, you can do this.

The pattern officially includes the hat I show in the pictures, the one that uses one contrast color. Unofficially, you’ll find that I have a tendency to experiment. So I swatched up a three color variation and included charts and some general guidance for intrepid knitters who want to do some experiments of their own.

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